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Abraham 1:3  
 3 It was aconferred upon me from the fathers; it came down from the fathers, from the beginning of time, yea, even from the beginning, or before the foundation of the earth, down to the present time, even the right of the bfirstborn, or the first man, who is cAdam, or first father, through the fathers unto me.

Footnotes   ?  

  14  Which aAbraham received the priesthood from Melchizedek, who received it through the lineage of his fathers, even till Noah;

  17  For the firstborn holds the right of the presidency over this priesthood, and the keys or authority of the same.

  34  And the first man of all men have I called bAdam, which is many.

Incoming Footnotes   ?  

  19  And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto aAdam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

  3  aReuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power:

  29  But if ye will not hearken unto him I take away my afirst blessing, yea, even my blessing, and it shall rest upon him.

  7  This high priesthood being after the order of his Son, which order was from the foundation of the world; or in other words, being awithout beginning of days or end of years, being prepared from eternity to all eternity, according to his foreknowledge of all things—

  32  For verily I say unto you, the keys of the dispensation, which ye have received, have bcome down from the fathers, and last of all, being sent down from heaven unto you.

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god 19Abr. 1:2-19
fathers 8Abr. 1:1-5
right 3Abr. 1:2-3
father 2Abr. 1:2-3
Emphasis Scriptures
for 'even'
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D&C 124:107-114 (8/8)
Hel. 8:14-19 (7/6)
Lev. 15:5-11 (7/7)
Ether 3:14-18 (6/5)
D&C 29:12-13 (5/2)
Alma 46:21-24 (5/4)
3 Ne. 26:3-6 (5/4)
D&C 88:2-5 (5/4)
Alma 26:32-36 (5/5)
Alma 54:8-12 (5/5)
D&C 34:12-35:4 (5/5)
D&C 75:11-15 (5/5)
Moses 6:55-59 (5/5)
Deut. 3:16-17 (4/2)
1 Ne. 10:3-4 (4/2)
1 Ne. 22:17-18 (4/2)
Alma 32:26-27 (4/2)
Jer. 48:32-34 (4/3)
1 Ne. 1:20-2:2 (4/3)
Mosiah 1:3-5 (4/3)
Mosiah 7:20-22 (4/3)
Mosiah 21:12-14 (4/3)
Alma 11:43-45 (4/3)
3 Ne. 27:30-32 (4/3)
Ether 8:23-25 (4/3)
D&C 76:96-98 (4/3)
Moses 1:26-28 (4/3)
Lev. 15:16-19 (4/4)
Lev. 27:3-6 (4/4)
Deut. 28:64-67 (4/4)
1 Ne. 3:31-4:3 (4/4)
Mosiah 3:13-16 (4/4)
Mosiah 15:18-21 (4/4)
Alma 60:27-30 (4/4)
Hel. 8:24-27 (4/4)
3 Ne. 28:7-10 (4/4)
Morm. 5:15-18 (4/4)
D&C 19:31-34 (4/4)
D&C 88:28-31 (4/4)
D&C 88:112-115 (4/4)
Lev. 23:32 (3/1)
1 Kgs. 6:16 (3/1)
Isa. 46:4 (3/1)
2 Ne. 3:20 (3/1)
Ex. 12:18-19 (3/2)
Lev. 11:39-40 (3/2)
Isa. 26:5-6 (3/2)
Ezek. 43:13-14 (3/2)
1 Ne. 18:17-18 (3/2)
Mosiah 15:6-7 (3/2)
4 Ne. 1:38-39 (3/2)
D&C 53:7-54:1 (3/2)
D&C 86:3-4 (3/2)
Lev. 15:21-23 (3/3)
Num. 19:21-20:1 (3/3)
2 Kgs. 24:14-16 (3/3)
1 Chr. 28:19-21 (3/3)
Neh. 5:13-15 (3/3)
Neh. 12:37-39 (3/3)
Isa. 38:11-13 (3/3)
Isa. 48:5-7 (3/3)
Jer. 6:11-13 (3/3)
Jer. 44:10-12 (3/3)
Zech. 9:10-12 (3/3)
Mal. 1:10-12 (3/3)
Matt. 5:46-48 (3/3)
1 Ne. 5:12-14 (3/3)
1 Ne. 20:5-7 (3/3)
2 Ne. 1:27-29 (3/3)
2 Ne. 27:1-3 (3/3)
Mosiah 2:12-14 (3/3)
Mosiah 2:25-27 (3/3)
Mosiah 3:7-9 (3/3)
Mosiah 17:13-15 (3/3)
Mosiah 17:15-17 (3/3)
Alma 1:5-7 (3/3)
Alma 22:27-29 (3/3)
Alma 30:53-55 (3/3)
Hel. 4:5-7 (3/3)
3 Ne. 26:14-16 (3/3)
4 Ne. 1:6-8 (3/3)
Morm. 8:26-28 (3/3)
Ether 4:7-9 (3/3)
D&C 6:30-32 (3/3)
D&C 19:1-3 (3/3)
D&C 33:6-8 (3/3)
D&C 36:6-8 (3/3)
D&C 70:18-71:2 (3/3)
D&C 76:8-10 (3/3)
D&C 81:7-82:2 (3/3)
D&C 88:19-21 (3/3)
D&C 101:73-75 (3/3)
D&C 124:122-124 (3/3)
Num. 14:34 (2/1)
Num. 16:5 (2/1)
Num. 21:30 (2/1)
Num. 32:33 (2/1)
Josh. 7:11 (2/1)
Josh. 10:41 (2/1)
Josh. 11:17 (2/1)
Judg. 11:22 (2/1)
Judg. 11:33 (2/1)
2 Sam. 24:15 (2/1)
1 Kgs. 1:30 (2/1)
1 Chr. 17:24 (2/1)
2 Chr. 5:13 (2/1)
2 Chr. 8:13 (2/1)
Neh. 4:3 (2/1)
Ps. 57:4 (2/1)
Prov. 30:1 (2/1)
Jer. 8:10 (2/1)
Jer. 12:6 (2/1)
Ezek. 1:27 (2/1)
Ezek. 8:2 (2/1)
Dan. 11:24 (2/1)
Micah 7:12 (2/1)
Zech. 7:5 (2/1)
2 Pet. 2:1 (2/1)
Rev. 2:13 (2/1)
1 Ne. 17:48 (2/1)
1 Ne. 19:20 (2/1)
Mosiah 3:22 (2/1)
Mosiah 4:11 (2/1)
Mosiah 5:14 (2/1)
Mosiah 11:12 (2/1)
Mosiah 23:13 (2/1)
Mosiah 24:14 (2/1)
Mosiah 27:19 (2/1)
Alma 27:17 (2/1)
Alma 33:23 (2/1)
Alma 34:4 (2/1)
Hel. 3:16 (2/1)
3 Ne. 18:6 (2/1)
3 Ne. 21:26 (2/1)
4 Ne. 1:48 (2/1)
Ether 12:16 (2/1)
Ether 13:7 (2/1)
D&C 18:9 (2/1)
D&C 24:19 (2/1)
D&C 29:2 (2/1)
D&C 75:1 (2/1)
D&C 76:13 (2/1)
D&C 82:24 (2/1)
D&C 84:63 (2/1)
D&C 88:127 (2/1)
D&C 105:41 (2/1)
D&C 133:32 (2/1)
Moses 4:4 (2/1)
Moses 6:45 (2/1)
Abr. 1:3 (2/1)
Abr. 1:31 (2/1)
Abr. 2:11 (2/1)
Ex. 4:22-23 (2/2)
Ex. 16:12-13 (2/2)
Ex. 29:27-28 (2/2)
Lev. 7:20-21 (2/2)
Lev. 11:24-25 (2/2)
Lev. 11:27-28 (2/2)
Lev. 11:31-32 (2/2)
Lev. 17:9-10 (2/2)
Lev. 18:9-10 (2/2)
Lev. 23:4-5 (2/2)
Lev. 27:23-24 (2/2)
Num. 4:39-40 (2/2)
Num. 4:43-44 (2/2)
Num. 4:47-48 (2/2)
Num. 19:7-8 (2/2)
Num. 25:13-14 (2/2)
Deut. 2:22-23 (2/2)
Deut. 4:19-20 (2/2)
Deut. 4:48-49 (2/2)
Deut. 12:30-31 (2/2)
Deut. 16:3-4 (2/2)
Deut. 23:2-3 (2/2)
Josh. 12:2-3 (2/2)
Josh. 14:10-11 (2/2)
Judg. 20:1-2 (2/2)
1 Sam. 6:18-19 (2/2)
1 Sam. 14:21-22 (2/2)
1 Sam. 20:4-5 (2/2)
2 Sam. 3:9-10 (2/2)
1 Kgs. 4:24-25 (2/2)
1 Kgs. 7:9-10 (2/2)
1 Kgs. 20:14-15 (2/2)
2 Kgs. 7:6-7 (2/2)
2 Kgs. 25:22-23 (2/2)
2 Chr. 17:7-8 (2/2)
Ezra 8:25-26 (2/2)
Job 23:2-3 (2/2)
Ps. 84:2-3 (2/2)
Ps. 107:43-108:1 (2/2)
Ps. 133:2-3 (2/2)
Ps. 139:10-11 (2/2)
Prov. 20:11-12 (2/2)
Isa. 8:7-8 (2/2)
Isa. 24:15-16 (2/2)
Isa. 29:7-8 (2/2)
Isa. 57:6-7 (2/2)
Jer. 13:13-14 (2/2)
Jer. 19:11-12 (2/2)
Jer. 23:33-34 (2/2)
Jer. 40:7-8 (2/2)
Jer. 42:1-2 (2/2)
Jer. 43:6-7 (2/2)
Ezek. 4:13-14 (2/2)
Ezek. 32:31-32 (2/2)
Ezek. 44:6-7 (2/2)
Dan. 8:10-11 (2/2)
Dan. 11:10-11 (2/2)
Obad. 1:7-8 (2/2)
Micah 2:10-11 (2/2)
Micah 3:4-5 (2/2)
Micah 4:7-8 (2/2)
Zech. 14:16-17 (2/2)
Mal. 2:2-3 (2/2)
Mark 4:35-36 (2/2)
John 3:13-14 (2/2)
1 Cor. 7:7-8 (2/2)
1 Cor. 10:33-11:1 (2/2)
2 Cor. 1:13-14 (2/2)
1 Thes. 2:18-19 (2/2)
1 Thes. 3:12-13 (2/2)
1 Thes. 4:13-14 (2/2)
3 Jn. 1:2-3 (2/2)
1 Ne. 4:32-33 (2/2)
1 Ne. 8:23-24 (2/2)
1 Ne. 10:8-9 (2/2)
1 Ne. 17:40-41 (2/2)
1 Ne. 17:54-55 (2/2)
1 Ne. 19:6-7 (2/2)
1 Ne. 21:18-19 (2/2)
2 Ne. 4:10-11 (2/2)
2 Ne. 18:7-8 (2/2)
2 Ne. 26:15-16 (2/2)
Jacob 5:74-75 (2/2)
Mosiah 2:30-31 (2/2)
Mosiah 4:6-7 (2/2)
Mosiah 4:19-20 (2/2)
Mosiah 4:29-30 (2/2)
Mosiah 7:25-26 (2/2)
Mosiah 9:8-9 (2/2)
Mosiah 20:7-8 (2/2)
Mosiah 29:13-14 (2/2)
Alma 10:5-6 (2/2)
Alma 10:10-11 (2/2)
Alma 13:14-15 (2/2)
Alma 14:25-26 (2/2)
Alma 14:29-15:1 (2/2)
Alma 16:1-2 (2/2)
Alma 29:16-17 (2/2)
Alma 30:32-33 (2/2)
Alma 37:2-3 (2/2)
Alma 38:1-2 (2/2)
Alma 41:5-6 (2/2)
Alma 45:11-12 (2/2)
Alma 48:13-14 (2/2)
Hel. 3:25-26 (2/2)
Hel. 3:34-35 (2/2)
Hel. 5:41-42 (2/2)
Hel. 11:26-27 (2/2)
3 Ne. 4:28-29 (2/2)
3 Ne. 6:27-28 (2/2)
3 Ne. 7:18-19 (2/2)
3 Ne. 13:29-30 (2/2)
4 Ne. 1:33-34 (2/2)
Morm. 8:23-24 (2/2)
Morm. 9:11-12 (2/2)
Ether 2:16-17 (2/2)
Ether 6:24-25 (2/2)
Ether 9:11-12 (2/2)
Ether 9:22-23 (2/2)
Ether 12:3-4 (2/2)
Ether 12:24-25 (2/2)
Ether 12:32-33 (2/2)
Ether 15:21-22 (2/2)
D&C 17:5-6 (2/2)
D&C 19:8-9 (2/2)
D&C 19:17-18 (2/2)
D&C 19:37-38 (2/2)
D&C 28:2-3 (2/2)
D&C 33:18-34:1 (2/2)
D&C 35:6-7 (2/2)
D&C 35:20-21 (2/2)
D&C 37:4-38:1 (2/2)
D&C 38:42-39:1 (2/2)
D&C 41:12-42:1 (2/2)
D&C 42:69-70 (2/2)
D&C 45:8-9 (2/2)
D&C 45:38-39 (2/2)
D&C 48:6-49:1 (2/2)
D&C 50:11-12 (2/2)
D&C 54:10-55:1 (2/2)
D&C 57:13-14 (2/2)
D&C 60:17-61:1 (2/2)
D&C 61:39-62:1 (2/2)
D&C 66:1-2 (2/2)
D&C 66:12-13 (2/2)
D&C 70:12-13 (2/2)
D&C 73:5-6 (2/2)
D&C 76:27-28 (2/2)
D&C 76:70-71 (2/2)
D&C 76:91-92 (2/2)
D&C 78:19-20 (2/2)
D&C 80:5-81:1 (2/2)
D&C 84:4-5 (2/2)
D&C 84:56-57 (2/2)
D&C 88:60-61 (2/2)
D&C 88:118-119 (2/2)
D&C 96:9-97:1 (2/2)
D&C 98:13-14 (2/2)
D&C 103:23-24 (2/2)
D&C 104:41-42 (2/2)
D&C 104:57-58 (2/2)
D&C 109:7-8 (2/2)
D&C 119:7-120:1 (2/2)
D&C 124:83-84 (2/2)
D&C 136:34-35 (2/2)
D&C 138:30-31 (2/2)
Moses 2:6-7 (2/2)
Abr. 1:9-10 (2/2)

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